Titlesort icon Type Attachment
2023-24 Year-End Closing Dates
Account Analysis Summary
Annual Continuing Disclosure ACC-P050
AP Processing Invoices for Payment ACC-P023
AP Vendor Warrant Audit ACC-W023
AP Warrant Cancellation ACC-W042
ASB Deposit Summary ACC-F019
ASB PowerPoint for Principal's Meeting
Bank Signers ACC-W017
Banking for Student Activity ACC-W001
Banking Procedures for Student Activities ACC-P005
Bond Personnel Activity Report Form ACC-F022
Cash Calendar for Year End ACC-P045
Cash Flow for Interim Reporting ACC-W018
Cash Flow Report ACC-P038
Cash Receipts ACC-P030
Cash Receipts ACC-W030
COI Amortization Schedule ACC-W008 YE GASB 34
Community Facilities ÑÇÖÞɫͼ No. 1 CFD Reconciliation ACC-W019
Compensated Absences Schedule ACC-W007 YE GASB 34
Completing the Automated (Excel) Mileage Reimbursement ACC_W041
Deposit Detail ACC-F017
Donation and Gifts Guidelines
External Cash Flow Report ACC-W037
Fixed Assets ACC-W006 YE GASB 34
FTP Warrant File ACC-P036
GA Billing for Master Teacher ACC_W026
General Long Term Debt Schedule ACC-W009 YE GASB 34
Hand Written Employee Checks ACC-W031
Instructional Minutes & Bell Schedules General Guidelines
Invoice Processing ACC-W005
Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Investment Fund Reconciliation ACC_W020
Mileage Reimbursement Form ACC-F004
Monthly Warrants and Checks to the Board ACC-W015
Overpayment Request Form ACC-F015
Payroll Clearing Account (Fund 76) Reconciliation ACC-W014
Payroll Deduction Authorization ACC-F016
Payroll Overpayments ACC-W029
Petty Cash ACC-P053
Petty Cash - Cal Card Reconciliation ACC-W038
Petty Cash - Close Checking and Cal Card Account ACC-W021
Petty Cash - Open a Checking Account of Cal Card AC ACC-W026
Petty Cash - Process Y-Requisition to Replenish Accounts ACC-W035
Petty Cash - Review a Reconciliation ACC-W027
Petty Cash Manual ACC-W043
Petty Cash Monthly Cal Card Transaction Log ACC-F007
Petty Cash Reconciliation - Long Form (computer enter) ACC-F006
Posting Payroll to Ledger ACC_W013
Posting Payroll to Ledger ACC-P051
Processing Disbursements for Student Activities ACC-W032