
Call for Nominations

University Governance and Faculty Regent Elections - Call for Faculty Nominations

  • Faculty Regent, three year term

  • Collegiate Representatives to University Governance Committees 

  • At-Large Representative to the University Judicial Board

  • Three At-Large Representatives to the Faculty Senate, May - April

Faculty Regent Election nominations

Election procedures

Balloting procedures

Nomination petition

Or request a printed form from Academic Affairs. Original signatures should be submitted to the Faculty Senate Rules, Elections, and Bylaws Committee via Executive Secretary at 333 Wells Hall. The Rules, Elections and Bylaws Committee shall serve as the authority to resolve question or problems with the elections. 

University Governance Election nominations are accepted in writing via email to msu.facultysenate@murraystate.edu to the Rules, Elections and Bylaws Committee via Faculty Senate Secretary, 333 Wells Hall.

Eligible nominees:

Members of the instructional/research staff whose regular assignment is instruction of students including those with release time for research and other professional personnel holding faculty appointment. Nominations should be made in accordance with the following rules and qualifications for membership for each category.

University Committee Positions: 

Candidates for university committees may be self-nominated or nominated by another eligible faculty member. To be valid, a nomination must be made in writing and include the name of the nominee and the nominator, both of whom must be faculty with the respective College/School. Any eligible faculty member may nominate a faculty representative to the University Judicial Board. All position terms are for three years. Qualifications of faculty representatives to university standing committees may be found in the 亚洲色图 State Faculty Handbook.  

  • Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business

    • TBA
  • College of Education and Human Services

    • TBA

  • College of Humanities and Fine Arts

    • TBA
  • Jesse D. Jones College of Science, Engineering and Technology

    • TBA
  • Hutson School of Agriculture

    • TBA

  • School of Nursing and Health Professions

    • TBA

  • University Libraries

    • TBA
  • One Representative to the University Judicial Board  

At-large Representatives on Faculty Senate: 

The membership of the Faculty Senate includes five at-large representatives, not more than two of whom shall be from any one college or academic division.  

Candidates for at-large representative on Faculty Senate may be self-nominated or nominated by a member of the Faculty Senate. To be valid, a nomination must be in writing and include the name of the nominee, the name of the nominator, and the term of office. No nominee will become an official candidate until his/her eligibility for office and willingness to serve has been confirmed by the Rules, Elections and Bylaws Committee of the Faculty Senate.


Unopposed University Governance Committee candidates will be elected by general consensus of the Rules, Elections and Bylaws Committee. View Procedures for Faculty Regent balloting.

Resolution of Questions or Problems: 

The Rules, Elections and Bylaws Committee of the Faculty Senate shall serve as the authority to resolve questions or problems with regard to the elections or the election process.


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