Kathy Callahan

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Dr. Kathy Callahan

Dr. Kathy Callahan

Department Chair

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  • Ph.D., Marquette University, 2005 
  • M.A., Marquuette University, 1995 
  • M.S., Indiana State University
  • B.S., Indiana State University


  • "Women, Poverty and Criminality in Late Eighteenth-Century London." Journal for the Study of British Cultures (Germany), Vol. 21 No. 1/2014. 11-26.
  • "Women Who Kill: An Analysis of Cases in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century London", The Journal of Social History, 46:4 .Summer 2013: 1013-38.
  • "On the Receiving End: Women and Stolen Goods in London, 1783-1815", The London Journal, Vol. 37 No. 2, July, 2012, 106–21."
  • ", for inclusion in Special Focus on Migration, New York: College Board; August 2008. (peer-reviewed lesson plan). Women, Crime, and Work: The Case of London 1783-1815, Marquette University, 2005.

Courses Taught

  • Making of Britain
  • Tudor Stuart England
  • Modern Britain
  • Europe in Renaissance and Reformation
  • Medieval Europe
  • Women in History (Europe)
  • Introduction to Historical Studies
  • History of Crime and Punishment (Special Topics)
  • History of London (Special Topics), partially taught in London, Spring 2014
  • Women in Big Houses (Special Topics), partially taught in Scotland, Summer 2014
  • World Civilizations I and II (Classroom and Web)
  • Honors World Civilization I and II

Research Interests

  • Women's history;
  • World history;
  • British Social and Political history (Including Ireland);
  • British Imperial History;
  • Asian History;
  • African History;
  • Western Civilization;
  • Women's Studies.

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